New Standard for Remote Access.


 Tosibox is a standard solution that replaces the currently available cloud-based connection methods and the site and supplier-specific tailored remote connections with a plug-and go, easy-to-use, secure and cost-efficient solution that can be deployed by anyone in a few minutes..

Tosibox turns an internet connection between two devices into an encrypted and automatic end-to-end connection. Firewalls do not need to be opened. The owner of the Tosibox Lock and Key pair can be sure that the data and the connections are completely secured, and never stored on any third-party server.s.


Fast and easy deployment

The time it takes to install a new object, including the definition of access rights, can range from a few minutes to ten minutes. Normally five minutes is enough.

Data security

Tosibox offers high-level data security and the most reliable recognition of privacy – the access key is physically stored on a memory stick’s cryptoprocessor, not on a computer’s or other device’s disk that could be copied.

Mobile access (Android and iOS)

Each physical key includes a free-of-charge mobile licence. This enables access without the physical key using Android or iOS mobile phones and tablets. The mobile device acts as a sub key governed by the main key.

Fully operator neutral

Tosibox works with all operators and all connection types. There is no need for static IP addresses or expensive M2M connections. Operators and connections can be changed on the fly without the need for any reconfiguration or other procedures. The solution also works over 3G/4G mobile networks with a Tosibox-supported modem.

Fully equipment and manufacturer neutral

All IoT devices from all manufacturers can be easily connected and securely accessed with the Tosibox solution – Ethernet-connected devices directly into the Tosibox, series and profibus-connected devices with adapters.

Best IoT connection quality and reliability

The technology enables direct end-to-end connections that work reliably and without delay.

The connections do not rely on cloud services that tend to cause security and connection problems as the amount of users grows. In mobile applications, using the Tosibox-supported modem, Tosibox’s unique connection monitoring and fixing automation keeps the connections up, and in fault situations automatically re-establishes the connection without the need for physical rebooting on site.

Main Components

TOSIBOX® solution consists of modular components that offer unlimited expandability and flexibility. All components are compatible with each other as well as internet connection, operator, and device agnostic. The solution works both in internal and external networks, and you can connect both modern IoT devices and legacy systems..


TOSIBOX® Key is an intelligent crypto processing device in a shape of USB key that enables a secure connection between computer and TOSIBOX® Locks, giving full visibility and control over the devices in secure network.

The Tosibox Key is used in a computer or server to establish a connection with the Tosibox Lock/Tosibox Locks at customer sites. Tosibox Key has support for Microsoft and MAC based software.

TOSIBOX® Key is for people, it is a client used to access the network. The ecosystem can have several admins and numerous users using physical TOSIBOX® Keys, TOSIBOX® Mobile Client app or TOSIBOX® SoftKey software licenses.. 


The Tosibox Lock is a device that is installed at a remote site where a Internet connection is required to monitor, control, program, configurate, troubleshoot some kind of equipment. This can be a PLC, HMI, cameras etc as long as they are communicating via Ethernet TCP/IP.

The Tosibox Lock accepts remote connections from Tosibox Keys, other Tosibox Locks and Tosibox Mobile Clients and creates a private and secure access to connected network devices. The network devices that are connected to the Tosibox Lock´s LAN port are automatically found. The Tosibox Lock automatically distributes IP addresses for the Tosibox Keys, Sub Keys and the network devices connected to LAN port(s) of the Tosibox Lock. The Tosibox Lock can also control network devices with fixed IP addresses.


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